Town Hall Minutes

Keeping Our Residents Informed

January 5, 2021 6:00 p.m.

AT 6:00 p.m., Mayor Daniels called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Councilman Williams delivered the Invocation.

Upon roll Call, present were Councilwoman Thomas, Councilman Cole, Councilman Enfinger, Mayor Daniels and councilman Williams. Absent was councilman Creamer.

Motion to adopt and approve the agenda was made by councilman Enfinger and seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion to approve three sets of minutes from the previous meetings was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Enfinger. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion to approve the warrants and pay the bills was made by Councilman Enfinger and seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried 5-0.

Mayor Daniels offered thanks to the team who made the Christmas Parade and festivities happen. Celina Woods spoke on behalf of the volunteers who, along with herself, worked to make it happen; Hillary, Belinda, Ashley, Dana and the Street Dept. members, Terry and Dale. Councilman Williams commended them for a great job well done on such short notice.

Mark Smith of Ferguson-Sizemore and Associates gave an update and good information to the Council on the 2020 Audit, plus ensuing information on Agreed Upon Procedures. Motion was made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Cole to accept pricing. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion was made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Cole to present expenditures at next Council meeting for budge review. Motion carried 5-0.

Mayor Daniels thanked Chief Peterman and Sherry Stabler for their hard work toward the CARES/COVID act.

Motion was made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Cole to direct the Mayor to handle problems associated with dead trees. Motion carried 5-0.

Jamie McLean was not available. He will ble placed on the February agenda.

Motion was made by Councilman Enfinger and seconded by Councilman Williams to spend up to $1,000.00 for a security system at the Newton Public Library and Museum. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion was made by Councilman Enfinger and seconded by Councilman Williams to place ads around town for bids for cemetery maintenance. Final day to accept sealed bids will be February 28, 2021. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion was made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Enfinger to approve hiring Benjamin Lutes as a Police Officer for the Town. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion was made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Enfinger to approve the hiring of Dennis Stancil as a Police Office for the Town. Motion carried 5-0.

Chief Peterman asked Council to approve making Sgt. Calvin Woods as permanent status for the Police Dept. Motion was made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Enfinger. Motion carried 5-0.

Chief Peterman asked the Council to extend the probation period for Office Cloyd for an additional 6 months. Motion was made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Enfinger. Motion carried 5-0.

Mrs. Linda Hunt and family addressed the council with concerns about water flooding her home. Councilwoman Thomas suggested contacting ADEM regarding federal funding. Motion was made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Enfinger to direct the Mayor to contact ADEM or an outside engineering firm regarding the problem. Motion carried 5-0.

Ms. Debbie Pruett and Ms. Sharolyn Sidebottom addressed the Council with a request for the Town to subsidize the Newton Messenger at $150.00 per month. Motion was made by Councilman Enfinger and seconded by Councilman Williams to pay this amount. Motion failed on a 1-4 vote. Motion was then made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Enfinger to direct the Mayor to speak with the City Attorney, Joe Adam. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion to send the garbage collection back to Newton Water Board was made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Enfinger. Councilman Williams and Councilman Enfinger voted nay. Councilman Cole, Councilwoman Thomas and Mayor Daniels voted Yea. Motion carried 3-2.

Motion was made by Councilman Enfinger and seconded by Councilwoman Thomas to schedule a working session to review application for clerk. Motion carried 5-0 to have said working session on January 12, 2021 at 6:00p.m.

Councilman Williams stated there was no liability clause in the south Dale EMS paperwork. He then made a motion to direct the Mayor to contact the City Attorney referencing the Town’s liability. Motion was seconded by Councilman Cole. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion to adjourn was made by councilman Enfinger and seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried. Time: 7:40

December 1, 2020 6:00 p.m.

Mayor Daniels called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.

Mayor Daniels led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Councilman Enfinger gave the invocation.

Present for Roll Call were Councilman Cole, Councilman Enfinger, Councilman Creamer and Mayor Daniels. Absent were Councilwoman Thomas and Councilman Williams.

Motion to adopt and approve the agenda was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by councilman Enfinger. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion to approve the minutes of the previous session was made by councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Enfinger. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion to pay warrants against the town was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Enfinger. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion to accept the financial statements from the bank accounts was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Enfinger. Motion carried 4-0.

Under Old Business, motion to rescind appointment of Allen Cole to the Water Board was made by Councilman Enfinger and seconded by Councilman Cole. Motion carried 3-0 with Councilman Creamer abstaining.

Mark Smith, CPA, was not present fore update on the audit.

Council will set up workshop meeting for the 2020-2021 Budget.

Under New Business, Chief Peterman explained to the council about the ADECA impairment grant for overtime for Police Officers.

Mayor Daniels recognized Sherry Stabler for going above and beyond her duties to help with the transition in the clerk’s office.

Motion to appoint Carol Richburg, Director of the Senior Center, to maintain the Senior Center SARCOA Title III account as well as the Senior Discretionary Fund and the Senior Arts and Crafts fund. Ms. Richburg will be added to these three bank accounts so that she may maintain records in house.

Mrs. Daniels asked about the possibility of purchasing some new decorations for the town.

Chief Peterman discussed with the Council the costs associated with the Body Cam/Tazers. Motions was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Enfinger for a Special Session so that the two absent members would have opportunity to hear and vote on the issue.

Motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Enfinger. Motion carried 4-0. Time 7:10 p.m.

November 19, 2020 6:00 p.m.

Mayor Daniels called the meeting to order at 6:15, p.m. He then led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The invocation was given by Councilman Williams.

Upon roll call, all members were present.

Motion to adopt and approve the agenda was made by Williams and seconded by Cole. Motions carried 6-0.

Motions to approve the minutes from the Organization Meeting was made by Cole and seconded by Thomas. Motions carried 6-0.

Motion to pay the warrants against the town was made by Thomas and seconded by Williams. Motion carried 6-0.

Motions to accept the financial report was made by Enfinger and seconded by Williams. Motion carried 6-0.

Department Reports; Chief Peterman reported on the “click it or ticket” grant as well as the need for body cams and tazers. The parade route was discussed and the Chief reported on help coming from surrounding agencies.

The Court Clerk reported on the need for a printer to be placed in the Chief’s car. Motion to spend up to $700.00 for a printer was made by Thomas and seconded by Enfinger. Motion carried 6-0.

The Librarian reported on the EOM report and discussed the Christmas Parade.

Under Old Business, Mayor Daniels reported the audit was still in progress. Councilman Cole state that the auditor needed to be present at the next meeting. A motion was made by Williams and seconded by Cole to reach out to the state reference audit. Williams then rescinded his motion to give the Mayor a chance to reach out to the state and the auditor. The new motion by Williams and seconded by Cole was for the Mayor to contact the CPA for answers. Motion carried 6-0.

Under New Business, the date for the Christmas Parade was set for December 12. Motion was made by Williams and seconded by Cole to appoint Councilwoman Thomas as the council representative to the Christmas Parade. Motion carried 6-0. Discussion was held regarding vendors and food services.

A motion was made by Williams and seconded by Enfinger to appoint Celina Woods as the “go to” person for the Parade. Motion carried 6-0.

Under Personnel action, a motion was made by Enfinger and seconded by Thomas to appoint Nina Dickerson as temporary clerk. Pay scale was listed as $15.00 per hour. Motion carried 5-0 with Creamer abstaining.

Motion to post the job opening for a full-time clerk was made by Enfinger and seconded by Cole. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion to post the job for a part-time magistrate was made by Enfinger and seconded by Thomas. Motion carried 5-1, with Creamer casting a nay vote.

Motion was made by Cole and seconded by Thomas to give the Mayor a $3000.00 spending allowance per month. Motion carried 5-1 with Williams casting the nay vote.

Motion was made by Enfinger and seconded by ___________ to pay Pinnacle for the renovations to the Library. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion to appoint Brent Kovach to the Water Board was made by Cole and seconded by Enfinger. Motion carried 5-0, with Creamer abstaining.

Reappointment of Robert Creamer to the Water Board died for lack of motion. Motion to appoint Allen Cole to the Water Board was made by Enfinger and seconded by Thomas. Motion carried 4-1 with Cole abstaining and Creamer casting a nay vote.

Motion was made by Williams and seconded by Cole for all employees to receive and sign for the Employee handbook. Motion carried 6-0.

Brad Williams gave an update on the South Dale EMS. Motion was made by Cole and seconded by Thomas to seek legal counsel on the issue of the Town’s liability.

Under Public Agenda, the Mayor expressed appreciation for the four ladies working to restore the offices, Barbara Benton, Jean Watson, Patsy Blocker, and Nina Dickerson. Motion to adjourn was made by Enfinger and seconded by Williams. Motion carried 6-0. Time was 8:05

July 7, 2020 6:00 p.m.

At 6:00 p.m., Mayor Bill Pruett called the meeting to order.

The roll was called by the Town Clerk and the following were present, thereby representing a quorum,

Present: Mayor Bill Pruett, Councilman Ed Woodard, Councilwoman Sharolyn Sidebottom, Councilman Jeffery Jordan and Councilman Robert Creamer.

Absent: Councilwoman Angelia Willis-Fulford

Mayor Pruett led the Pledge of Allegiance and Councilman Woodard delivered the invocation.

A motion to approve and adopt the agenda was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 5-0.

A motion to approve the minutes of thelast two (2)meetings was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 5-0.

A motion to approve and pay all regular warrants including adding $743.02 to the debit account was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilman Creamer. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 5-0.

A motion to appoint Mr. Stanley Cline to the Newton Water and Sewer Board was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Jordan. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 5-0.

A motion to appoint Fred Stegall as Municipal Court Judge was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 5-0.

A motion to appoint Arlissa Minniefield as the Election Manager and the Absentee Election Manager was made by Councilman Woodard and seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom. After a roll call vote, motion carried unanimously 5-0.

A motion to approve an additional full-time position for the Street Department starting at $10/hour was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, motion carried unanimously 5-0.

A motion to authorize Mayor Pruett to open a debit card account on behalf of the Town of Newton Public Library at Friend Bank and to put $500 in the account that will be replenished, as needed (from the Town of Newton General Fund until the Library becomes solvent again) at the Town Council meetings and to have Mayor Pruett, Arlissa Minniefield, Molly Holliman, and Alice Maybee as signers to open the account was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard.  After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 5-0. Mayor Pruett reiterated that the receipts would be submitted to the Town Clerk after each purchase. The card would be issued to the Newton Public Librarian Ashley Phelan.

A motion to adopt Resolution #2020-06-02-01 – “Resolution for Authorization for the Disposal of Surplus Property” was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, motion carried unanimously 5-0.

A motion to adopt Resolution #2020-06-02-02 – “Resolution for Authorization for the Disposal and/or Sale of Surplus Vehicles” with a minimum bid set at $2,000 for the 2008 White Dodge Charger was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom. After a roll call vote, motion carried unanimously 5-0.

A motion to appropriate $1,500 for holiday flags, poles and brackets was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 5-0.

Due to the timeliness and tedious nature of keeping track of nuisance properties when they are added a few at a time, Mayor Pruett suggested that the Town Council compile one comprehensive list of all nuisance properties and send out the abatement letters simultaneously. A motion to table the nuisance properties until the next council meeting was made by Councilman Woodard and seconded by Councilman Creamer. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 5-0.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Woodard, seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom, and carried unanimously, 5-0, by roll call vote. The time was 6:45 p.m.

June 2, 2020 6:00 p.m.

At 6:06 p.m., Mayor Bill Pruett called the meeting to order.

The roll was called by the Town Clerk and all were present, thereby representing a quorum,

Present: Mayor Bill Pruett, Councilman Ed Woodard, Councilwoman Sharolyn Sidebottom, Councilwoman Angelia Willis-Fulford and Councilman Robert Creamer.

Absent: Councilman Jeffery Jordan

Mayor Pruett led the Pledge of Allegiance and Councilwoman Sidebottom delivered the invocation.

Councilman Jordan entered the meeting at 6:07 pm.

A motion to approve and adopt the agenda was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve the minutes of thelast two (2)meetings was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilman Creamer. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve and pay all regular warrants including adding $925.98 to the debit account was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to reappoint Mrs. Debbie Pruett to the Newton Housing Authority for a full term was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to appoint Robert Brogden as Municipal Court Judge was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve the COVID-19 (Corona) Virus Mitigation Plan for Newton Municipal Court submitted by Arlissa Minniefield was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilman Creamer. After a roll call vote, motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve the additional funding for Calvin Woods’ refresher training was made by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford and seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom. After a roll call vote, motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to adopt Resolution #2020-05-05 – “Back to School Sales Tax Holiday” was made by Councilman Woodard and seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford. After a roll call vote, motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A first read of Resolution #2020-06-02-01 – “Resolution for Authorization for the Disposal of Surplus Property” was conducted. No action was necessary.

A first read of Resolution #2020-06-02-02 – “Resolution for Authorization for the Disposal and/or Sale of Surplus Vehicles” was conducted. No action was necessary.

Nuisance properties located at 39 S. Edwards Street and 5260 S. Highway 123 (old Garrow trailer) were submitted to the Clerk to send out nuisance abatement letters.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Creamer, seconded by Councilman Woodard and unanimously passed by voice vote. The time was 7:00 p.m.

May 5, 2020 6:00 p.m.

At 6:03 p.m., Mayor Bill Pruett called the meeting to order.

Mayor Pruett led the Pledge of Allegiance and Councilman Woodard delivered the invocation.

The roll was called by the Town Clerk and all were present, thereby representing a quorum,

Present: Mayor Bill Pruett, Councilman Ed Woodard, Councilwoman Sharolyn Sidebottom, Councilman Jeffery Jordan, Councilwoman Angelia Willis-Fulford and Councilman Robert Creamer.

A motion to approve and adopt the agenda was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve the minutes of thelast two (2)meetings was made by Councilwoman Sidebottom and seconded by Councilman Creamer. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve and pay all regular warrants including adding $1,059.49 to the debit account was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried 6-0.

A first read of Resolution #2020-05-05 – “Back to School Sales Tax Holiday” was conducted. No action was necessary.

A limited discussion regarding possible changes or amendments to the current ordinance for discharging firearms in the town limits (Ordinance #2008-01) took place. No action was taken.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Creamer, seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford and unanimously passed by voice vote. The time was 6:26 p.m.

April 7, 2020 6:00 p.m.

At 6:02 p.m., Mayor Bill Pruett called the meeting to order.

Mayor Pruett led the Pledge of Allegiance and delivered the invocation.

The roll was called by the Town Clerk and all were present, thereby representing a quorum,

Present: Mayor Bill Pruett, Councilman Ed Woodard, Councilwoman Sharolyn Sidebottom, Councilman Jeffery Jordan, Councilwoman Angelia Willis-Fulford and Councilman Robert Creamer.

A motion to approve and adopt the agenda was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve the minutes of thelast two (2)meetings was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve and pay all regular warrants was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilman Creamer. After a roll call vote, the motion carried 6-0.

A motion to send abatement letters to the owners of the following properties: 199 Brenda Lane, the Napa Store, 22 Hartford Street, the old Palmer house on Spring Street and the Chambers trailer on Spring Street  was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Jordan. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to accept the proposal by Harris Security for change over investment, training and monthly monitoring was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to adopt an amendment to the Employee Personnel Policy manual changing the probationary period for police officers from 9 months to 12 months was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to send Officer Calvin Woods to refresher training when registration opens and pay the $500 registration fee and reimbursement of travel expenditures was made by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford and seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to table the property easement issue between 11 E. King Street and 25 E. King Street (Newton Senior Center) until more information is obtained was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom.  After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0. A special called meeting will be held on April 14, 2020 at 6:00 pm to address this issue.

Chief Peterman presented the Town Council with information regarding the purchase of two new police vehicles. A motion to purchase two Chevy Tahoes for the Police Department and pay for them from the General Fund was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to authorize Mayor Pruett to contract with Troy Cable for phone, internet and cable services was made by Councilman Woodard and seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

There will be no work session on April 14, 2020 due to the special called meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford, seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom and unanimously passed by voice vote. The time was 7:13 p.m.

February 4, 2020 6:00 p.m.

At 6:00 p.m., Mayor Bill Pruett called the meeting to order.

Mayor Pruett led the Pledge of Allegiance and Councilman Woodard delivered the invocation.

The roll was called by the Town Clerk and all were present, thereby representing a quorum,

Present: Mayor Bill Pruett, Councilman Ed Woodard, Councilwoman Sharolyn Sidebottom, Councilman Jeffery Jordan, Councilwoman Angelia Willis-Fulford and Councilman Robert Creamer.

A motion to approve and adopt the agenda was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Jordan. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve the minutes of theJanuary 7, 2020meeting was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom. After a roll call vote, the motion carried as follows the motion carried unanimously 6-0. (Note: The

A motion to approve and pay all regular warrants was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried 6-0.

Mr. Greg Padgett with Eagle’s Wings Technologies addressed the Town Council regarding providing IT service for the Town of Newton. A motion to allow Mayor Pruett to contract with Eagle’s Wings Technologies on behalf of the Town of Newton for IT services at $1050 per month was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve the travel and registration for the next Police Chief to attend the Chief’s Conference in Montgomery, Alabama on February 17-20, 2020 was made by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to allow Mayor Pruett to contract with Ferguson-Sizemore and Associates on behalf of the Town of Newton for the municipal audit made by Councilman Woodard and seconded by Councilman Jordan. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to remove Mr. Joel Casey from all Town of Newton Public Library accounts at his request due to personal reasons was made by Councilwoman Sidebottom and seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to move the March 3rd Town Council meeting to the Newton Senior Center due to the use of Town Hall as a polling location for the Primary Election was made by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford and seconded by Councilman Creamer. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Mayor Pruett advised it would be appropriate to go into executive session to discuss general reputation and character of a prospective employee.  Councilman Creamer made a motion to go into executive session with a second by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford.  There was no debate or discussion.  The council voted as follows to go into executive session:

Councilman Ed Woodard (District 1)     –          Yea

Councilwoman Sidebottom (District 2)  –          Yea

Councilman Jeff Jordan (District 3)        –          Yea

Councilwoman Willis-Fulford (District 4)-           Yea

Councilman Robert Creamer (District 5) –         Yea

Before moving into executive session, Mayor Pruett notified those in attendance at the meeting that they expected return shortly.

A motion to exit the executive session and reconvene the meeting was made by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford with a second by Councilman Creamer.  After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to table the Chief of Police until Friday, February 7, 2020 at 4 pm was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Jordan. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford, seconded by Councilman Creamer and unanimously passed by voice vote. The time was 7:45 p.m.

January 7, 2020 6:00 p.m.

At 6:03 p.m., Mayor Bill Pruett called the meeting to order.

The roll was called by the Town Clerk and all were present, thereby representing a quorum,

Present: Mayor Bill Pruett, Councilman Ed Woodard, Councilwoman Sharolyn Sidebottom, Councilman Jeffery Jordan, Councilwoman Angelia Willis-Fulford and Councilman Robert Creamer.

Mayor Pruett led the Pledge of Allegiance and Councilman Woodard delivered the invocation.

A motion to approve and adopt the agenda was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilwoman Sidebottom. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve the minutes of the last three (3) meetings was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to approve and pay all regular warrants and the AMIC premium and Municipal Worker’s Compensation premium when the Alabama Power franchise check comes in was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried 6-0.

A motion to appoint Jonathon Wood to the Newton Water and Sewer Board to replace Dominique Yeomans effective February 1, 2020 was made by Councilman Creamer and seconded by Councilman Woodard. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to repair the heating unit at the Newton Public Library and to pay for the repair out of the Capital Improvement Fund was made by Councilman Jordan and seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

There were no changes to the existing municipal ordinances regarding pay for councilmembers and qualifying fees.

Mayor Pruett informed the Town Council that several applications for the Chief of Police position had been received and all agreed that a decision would be made at the February 2020 council meeting.

The Town Council discussed various remedies for eliminating the unauthorized work that continues to create problems in the Town Cemetery. They discussed the creation of a permit that would need to be obtained from the Town Clerk before any work was done and posting a sign that says, “any work done without a permit will result in a $500 fine”.

A motion to allocate up $2,500 for the purchase of two (2) “Welcome to Newton” signs was made by Councilwoman Sidebottom and seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to purchase a table for the AUSA luncheon to be held at the Dothan Civic Center on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 was made by Councilman Woodard and seconded by Councilman Creamer. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to set the date and time for the 2020 Christmas Parade to Saturday, December 12th, 2020 with the line-up starting at 3:00 pm on Hartford Street and the parade starting at 4:00 pm and the Christmas Tree Lighting immediately following at 5:00 pm. was made by Councilman Woodard and seconded by Councilman Creamer. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously 6-0.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Creamer, seconded by Councilwoman Willis-Fulford and unanimously passed by voice vote. The time was 6:45 p.m.